What does the paradise look like for you? We are pretty sure, that for birdwatchers the paradise looks like our beloved Colombia. Almost 2000 bird-species, more than in any other country in the world, living in completely different ecosystems all over Colombia. Walk through the mountains, and there are birds. Walk through the dessert, and there are birds. Walk through the jungle, and there are birds. That’s what makes it so hard and so easy at the same time to answer the question where birdwatching enthusiasts should go. The answer: all over the country!
It’s just amazing and breathtaking how many different and rare species are living in Colombia. So whether you are a passionate birder or birding just seems like an interesting way to spend a day, if you are fascinated by these feathered creatures you won’t be disappointed in Colombia. Check our soft-birding tours with plenty of birds in accessible locations and without getting up at 5:00 in the morning 😉