Bicycling in Colombia – Discover Bogotá by bike

Bicycling in Colombia – Discover Bogotá by bike

There are hundred of ways to discover a country – one of them is on two wheels powered by you. Where the Andes mountains split up into three huge mountain ranges and give a home to numerous species of flora and fauna, there are endless possibilities for a scenic bike ride.

Bicycling might be the most popular sport in Colombia, after football obviously. The Tour de France, for example, is followed almost as fanatically as a match of the national football team. During the last years some Colombian cyclists like Nairo Quintana and Egan Bernal could triumph at international races and make this sport even more popular in our country.

For visitors there are many different options, from city tours on bike to multiday rides from village to village. The Ciclovia in Bogotá ist a perfect way to get a first look of Colombia on a bike. Every Sunday hundreds of kilometres of roads are closed for cars and allow you to explore many different corners of our capital by bike.

Discovering a place in this way can be a great alternative to a common walking tour, especially in times of Covid-19 we can find a lot of advantages in these tours.  

Stay tuned for a Colombia tour by bike in the next newsletter!

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